Akụkọ nsọpụrụ

Mmezu Shenzhou S&T

N'August 2021

Achọpụtara ọrụ Shenzhou nke PCTFE, FEVE na 6FDA ruo ọkwa dị elu nke mba ụwa.

N'ọnwa Disemba afọ 2020

A kwadoro Shenzhou dị ka ụlọ ọrụ teknụzụ dị elu site na ngalaba Shandong Provincial S&T.

N'ọnwa Mee 2019

Ahọpụtara teknụzụ PFA nke Shenzhou dị ka otu n'ime teknụzụ igodo 50 kachasị na nrụpụta nke Shandong Province.

N'afọ 2018

Enyere Shenzhou dị ka "China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise".

Na Mee 2018

Shenzhou meriri onyinye ọganihu teknụzụ mmepụta ihe nke China Fluorine na Silicon Industry maka oru ngo nke R&D na Industrialization nke PVDF.

Na Nọvemba 2017

Shenzhou meriri ihe nrite nke atọ nke S&T Progress of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation maka oru ngo nke R&D na Industrialization of High-performance FKM.

Na Jenụwarị 2016

Shenzhou meriri ihe nrite nke atọ nke S&T Progress nke Shandong Province maka oru ngo nke R&D na Industrialization of High-performance FEP resin.

Usoro aha Shenzhou

N'ọnwa Julaị 2021

Enyere Shenzhou dị ka Shandong Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise.

N'ọnwa Mee 2020

Edepụtara Shenzhou na 2020 Brand Value Ranking China.

N'ọnwa Nọvemba afọ 2019

Achọpụtara Shenzhou dị ka ụlọ ọrụ ngosipụta nke otu onye mmeri site na National Ministry of Industry and Information.

N'ọnwa Ọktoba 2018

Shenzhou meriri aha "China Excellent Innovative Enterprise of Fluorine Plastic Processing Industry".

N'August 2018

A kwadoro Shenzhou ka o guzobe Shandong Provincial Engineering Research Center nke Fluorinated Functional New Material.

Na Mee 2018

Shenzhou meriri aha "China Model Enterprise of Fluorine and Silicon Industry".

Na Mee 2018

Shenzhou meriri aha "Shandong Century Brand Cultivating Enterprise".

Na Jenụwarị 2018

A kwadoro Shenzhou ka o guzobe ụlọ ọrụ nyocha post-doctoral.

N'ọnwa Disemba afọ 2017

Enyere Shenzhou dị ka ụlọ ọrụ ngosi ihe onwunwe nke mba.

Hapụ Ozi Gị